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The COVID-19 Corona Virus has impacted every level of our community. Community members who have never required services before are finding they are in need.
To meet these new needs non-profit agencies in our community need financial support. United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties has created the Clark Champaign Madison COVID-19 Community Fund to do this.
100% of every dollar received will be sent to trusted local organizations, and will be allocated back to the community it came from or is designated to. United Way of CCMC will not be taking any administrative overhead out of any of the Community Fund donations received.

COVID-19 Community Fund - APPLICATIONEligibility: -Funding requests must be made by a 501(c)3, governmental agency, educational institution or an organization that is under a financial sponsorship of a 501(c)3. -Funding requests must be received in writing through the COVID-19 Community Fund application. -Organizations requesting funding must provide service in Clark, Champaign and Madison Counties that specifically addresses food insecurity and/or housing, shelter (including rent and utility assistance.) -Organizations will be limited to request funds up to $10,000. Additional funds may requested in Phase 2 as funds become available. -Organizations receiving funding must give recognition to United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties and when applicable utilize our logo. -Provide reporting back to United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties of total numbers served as a result of the award. The application for Phase One Funding is CLOSED. The application for Phase Two Funding can be found here: COVID-19 Community Fund Application Phase Two
COVID-19 Community Fund - REPORTINGFor organizations who recieved funding: Please complete and submit this report prior to August 15th. The report can be found here:
Register for your COVID-19 Vaccine here:
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